Monday, April 16, 2012

The often confusion between Micro-organisn Virus and Computer Virus

When you hear the word virus the first thing that comes to your mind is some agent that causes disease. This is true in that micro-organism virus is the cause of some deadly disease of human, animals and plants. Similarly computer virus is the cause of many hard drives and other removable drives to crash thereby rendering this equipment none functional or useless. But often times there are confusion between micro-organism virus and computer virus. Micro-organisn virus cannot cause computer virus.

As someone who is trained in Agriculture and some aspects of Computer Technology, I had been approached on several occasions by people asking me if computer virus can affect human, animals or plants and vice versa. I had been at pains to point out that there is no relationship between computer virus and micro-organism virus. In no way can computer virus affects human, animals and plants. Also, in no way can the micro-organism virus affects the computer hard drive or any removable device.

In order for you not to confuse the micro-organism virus with computer virus, you will have to look at their definition. Micro-organism virus is a living organism. Computer virus on the otherhand is a small software programme capable of reproducing itself which may result in significant harm to files and/or programmes on the same computer.

With the distinction between Micro-organism virus and computer virus, there is no way computer virus can affect human, animals or plants and vice versa. Computer virus may have been developed based on the function of micro-organism virus. So please disabuse your mind of the often confusion between micro-organism virus and computer virus.


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