Monday, April 16, 2012

Definition of Computer Virus

Computer virus may be defined as a small software programme which has the capability of reproducing itself which may result in significant harm to files and/or programmes on the same computer. It is said that true computer virus only spread to another computer with the aid of human assistance. This is so because human has to write the virus programme and set up the various ways in which the programme can be spread. There is no standard size of the virus file, but it may range between 1-300 Kb. These computer viruses may begin by having a negative effect on the programme causing it to run incorrectly or corrupt the memory of the computer. These two scenarios can eventually lead to crashing of the computer’s hard drive.

No one wants his/her computer to be infected with virus. Because of this some people will invest a lot of time researching the various types of computer virus and the security threat that is related to each type. This reach is done in order to find out the nature of the virus such as how the virus is programmed, ways in which the virus carry out the damage to the hard drive and very importantly the methods by which they are spread.

Virus will attack various sections computer system such as the boot sector, the browser, various files among other areas.

Examples of some computer viruses are:
  1. Actifed - this virus infects .COM and .EXE files.
  2. AGENA - this virus resides in the memory infecting .COM and .EXE files
  3. Ada - This virus can infect any of the DOS operating system

The often confusion between Micro-organisn Virus and Computer Virus

When you hear the word virus the first thing that comes to your mind is some agent that causes disease. This is true in that micro-organism virus is the cause of some deadly disease of human, animals and plants. Similarly computer virus is the cause of many hard drives and other removable drives to crash thereby rendering this equipment none functional or useless. But often times there are confusion between micro-organism virus and computer virus. Micro-organisn virus cannot cause computer virus.

As someone who is trained in Agriculture and some aspects of Computer Technology, I had been approached on several occasions by people asking me if computer virus can affect human, animals or plants and vice versa. I had been at pains to point out that there is no relationship between computer virus and micro-organism virus. In no way can computer virus affects human, animals and plants. Also, in no way can the micro-organism virus affects the computer hard drive or any removable device.

In order for you not to confuse the micro-organism virus with computer virus, you will have to look at their definition. Micro-organism virus is a living organism. Computer virus on the otherhand is a small software programme capable of reproducing itself which may result in significant harm to files and/or programmes on the same computer.

With the distinction between Micro-organism virus and computer virus, there is no way computer virus can affect human, animals or plants and vice versa. Computer virus may have been developed based on the function of micro-organism virus. So please disabuse your mind of the often confusion between micro-organism virus and computer virus.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Prevent or get rid of Belly Fat

Belly fat is like a friend who means you no good and the only thing left for you to do is to tell him/her goodbye. However, trying to get rid of this friend might be a difficult task but you will have to get serious and commit yourself to turn your back on that friend. Not getting rid of that friend might pose a serious challenge to your life. Similarly, not getting rid of belly fat or preventing it can result in serious challenges to your health. Belly fat cannot be a welcome addition to your body.
I have heard some people say that they don’t mind having a little fat around the tummy area. While that may be an individual preference I don’t think that should be encouraged. You should at all times do all in your power to prevent or get rid of the first sign of any belly fat. Always treat belly fat as an unwelcome friend and don’t let it visit you
Some simple ways in which you can get rid of belly fat or prevent it being an unwelcome friend is:
  1. Be health conscious and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy balanced meal
  2. Be weight conscious. Try and maintain your weight to height ratio (healthy weight)
  3. Keep away from consuming trans fats which contributes to heart disease. Try and find out the foods that contains trans fat
  4. Refrain from eating late at nights or just before going to bed
  5. Stop the excessive alcohol intake
  6. Do regular exercise; to include walking or jogging.
  7. Strengthen your belly muscle by focusing on belly fat burning exercise
  8. Quit smoking
  9. Get rid of any lingering stress

Dangers of Belly Fat

Usually belly fat is symptomatic of some eating disorder, one of which is known as Bulimia nervosa or binge eating. In this way, excessive amount of carbohydrates and fats are consumed which increase the deposit of large amount of fat in the abdomen. This may lead to a condition known as metabolic syndrome. This consumption of excessive amount of carbohydrate and fat result in a large built up of calories in the body. The body will utilize the amount of calories it requires at any one time and any excess is converted into fat and stored in the belly as belly fat. Other ways in which fats may be deposited in the abdomen are:
  1. Excessive consumption of alcohol
  2. Inactivity, that is doing desk jobs (sedentary work) over a long period of time without any exercise
Dangers of Belly Fat
There are great concerns with an increase in the ratio of the waist to the hip. An excessive increase in the overall circumference of the waist can also increase the risk of death. Therefore abdominal fat deposit in this respect carries the greatest risk to the health. You must at all times be conscious of this.  Always remember that your health comes first. Without good health you will not be able to enjoy all you have that achieved in life through sweat and hard work.  

Some of the conditions associated with excessive belly fat are:
  1. Disease of the Heart
  2. Blood circulation problem
  3. Kidney problems
  4. Lung problem-difficulty in breathing
  5. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  6. Resistance to insulin
  7. Type two Diabetes Mellitus
  8. Built up of High amount of the bad cholesterol in the blood
  9. Alzheimer's Disease
  10. Sexual dysfunction

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Healing Powers of Garlic

 Some of the healing  powers of garlic are:
1.      Acts as an antiseptic and helps in curing the wounds very quickly.
2.      One of the health benefits of garlic is that it helps in fighting against various infection and acts against inflammation and infection, including colds, coughs by adding a freshly cut raw clove to food or take garlic capsules.
3.      Contains chemicals that prevent cancer. Eating garlic on regular basis provides some protection against cancer.
4.      Good tool to fight hypertension (high blood pressure). I used it on a regular basis to control my hypertension. Fresh or cooked garlic or garlic capsules helps to lower down the blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.
5.      Increases the levels of high density lipoproteins and reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood and keeps arteries and heart healthy.
6.      Helps lower blood sugar
7.      Thins the blood, reduces clotting and helps in controlling blood pressure and poor circulation.
8.      Stimulates the immune system of the body and helps in fighting against various diseases.
9.      Prevents and relieves chronic bronchitis, respiratory problems, and catarrh.
10.  Acts as a nasal decongestant and expectorant.
11.  Helpful for hum oral asthma, hysteria, dropsy and scurvy.
12.  Works as a cleanser of the digestive system, helps in curing flatulence, kills internal parasites and is an excellent internal antiseptic.